Smartsite Documentatie
Local Viper Methods
> This.GetTotalCount (Paging) Viper Method

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Gets the total count. Use only when no input data is available.
This viper method also supports the extension viper syntax.
Smartsite SXML |
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integer this.gettotalcount() |
Extension Viper Syntax
Smartsite SXML |
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integer page.<id>.gettotalcount() |
This Viper method does not expose any parameters.
Return Value
Data Type | Description |
Integer | The total count of the data to page. |
Used in
Macro | Description |
Paging |
Paging macro. Holds state for paging through large datasets. Can be used in combination with existing datatables to page through large datasets. Use in combination with macros/vipers that return datatables. |
Use the GetTotalCount() method in scenarios where you want to provide the totalcount yourself when needed. Since the paging macro will pass the value over the querystring, it will only be needed on first access of the paging logic. In this case, GetTotalCount() will return 0. You can use an se:if macro testing for GetTotalCount() <= 0 and then set the totalcount using SetTotalCount().
Custom paging Example with explicit totalcount
In this example, a custom list of the macros available in the current security zone is used. On the first page, the total number of records is retrieved and set using an if macro.
Smartsite SXML |
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<se:hidden> {buffer.set(list, sxml.securityzone.listassets(Macro))} <se:paging pagesize="20" /> <se:if expression="scope.paging.gettotalcount() LTE 0"> {scope.paging.settotalcount(datatable.rows.count($list))} </se:if> <se:format inputdata="{buffer.get(list)}" skiprows="{scope.paging.skip()}" maxrows="{scope.paging.size()}"> <se:rowformat> <li>{this.field(1)}</li> </se:rowformat> <se:resultformat> <ul>{this.result()}</ul> </se:resultformat> </se:format> </se:hidden> <span class="navbar"> {scope.paging.goto(First)} {scope.paging.goto(Previous)} {buffer.set(range, 6)} {buffer.set(start, math.max(scope.paging.current()-($range/2),1))} <se:for from="{buffer.get(start)}" to="{math.min($start+$range, scope.paging.count())}"> {scope.paging.goto(this.index())} </se:for> {scope.paging.goto(Next)} {scope.paging.goto(Last)} </span> |
- Macro
- Macro Parameters
- Macro Parameter Properties
- Global Viper Methods
Local Viper Methods
- This.Add (Json) Viper Method
- This.Add (Metadata) Viper Method
- This.Add (PlaceHolder) Viper Method
- This.Add (ShoppingCart) Viper Method
- This.AddDublinCore (Metadata) Viper Method
- This.AddLine Viper Method
- This.AddNamespace (Metadata) Viper Method
- This.AddNull (Json) Viper Method
- This.AddValue (Json) Viper Method
- This.AffectedRecords (SqlQuery) Viper Method
- This.AIM.Relations Viper Method
- This.Allowemptysearch (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.AltText (Image) Viper Method
- This.Amount (Payment) Viper Method
- This.Append Viper Method
- This.AppendChild (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.AppendChildBinary (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.AppendChildXml (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.ApplyBoxFormat (SmartletBox) Viper Method
- This.Attribs (SmartletBox) Viper Method
- This.AutoTitle (Image) Viper Method
- This.BoxData (SmartletBox) Viper Method
- This.BoxMode (SmartletBox) Viper Method
- This.BoxSkin (SmartletBox) Viper Method
- This.Brand (Payment) Viper Method
- This.Break (For) Viper Method
- This.Break Viper Method
- This.Buffer.Exists Viper Method
- This.Buffer.Get Viper Method
- This.Buffer.Set Viper Method
- This.Buttons (SmartletBox) Viper Method
- This.CanGoBack (Paging) Viper Method
- This.CanGoForward (Paging) Viper Method
- This.Caption (SmartletBox) Viper Method
- This.ChildLevelResult Viper Method
- This.ClassName (Image) Viper Method
- This.Clear Viper Method
- This.ClearDublinCore (Metadata) Viper Method
- This.ClearForcedResult Viper Method
- This.ColCount Viper Method
- This.ColName Viper Method
- This.ColNumber Viper Method
- This.CompleteDocument Viper Method
- This.ContentTypeWeight (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.ContentTypeWeight (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.Count (Paging) Viper Method
- This.Currency (Payment) Viper Method
- This.Current (Paging) Viper Method
- This.CurrentIndex (Siblings) Viper Method
- This.CustomerAddress (Payment) Viper Method
- This.CustomerCountry (Payment) Viper Method
- This.CustomerEmail (Payment) Viper Method
- This.CustomerName (Payment) Viper Method
- This.CustomerPhone (Payment) Viper Method
- This.CustomerTown (Payment) Viper Method
- This.CustomerZipcode (Payment) Viper Method
- This.Data (ViewSource) Viper Method
- This.Data Viper Method
- This.DefaultResultFormat (XLinks) Viper Method
- This.DefaultRowFormat (XLinks) Viper Method
- This.Delete (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.Delete Viper Method
- This.DocTypeHeader Viper Method
- This.DocumentBody Viper Method
- This.DocumentBodyNode Viper Method
- This.EditedSmartlet (SmartletEditor) Viper Method
- This.EditorUseLocation (SmartletEditor) Viper Method
- This.Enable (CacheFile) Viper Method
- This.Error.InnerException.Message Viper Method
- This.Error.InnerException.SmartsiteCode Viper Method
- This.Error.InnerException.Throw Viper Method
- This.Error.InnerException.ToString Viper Method
- This.Error.InnerException.Type Viper Method
- This.Error.Message Viper Method
- This.Error.SmartsiteCode Viper Method
- This.Error.Throw Viper Method
- This.Error.ToString Viper Method
- This.Error.Type Viper Method
- This.Evaluate (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.Exists (Json) Viper Method
- This.Expires Viper Method
- This.ExtractBinary (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.ExtraData (Payment) Viper Method
- This.ExtraElements (SmartletBox) Viper Method
- This.Facet (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.Facet (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.FacetSelectFields (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.FacetSelectFields (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.FacetWhereClause (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.FacetWhereClause (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.Field Viper Method
- This.Field.Exists Viper Method
- This.FieldName (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.FieldName (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.FieldWeight (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.FieldWeight (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.FindExact Viper Method
- This.FindExtension Viper Method
- This.FirstResult (Paging) Viper Method
- This.Footer (SmartletEditor) Viper Method
- This.ForceLayout (FlexLayout) Viper Method
- This.FormAttribs (SmartletBox) Viper Method
- This.FreetextTablesearch (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.Get (Json) Viper Method
- This.GetAttribute (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.GetByPosition (Json) Viper Method
- This.GetCacheKey (Cache) Viper Method
- This.getcount (Chart) Viper Method
- This.GetDocType Viper Method
- This.GetEncoded (Json) Viper Method
- This.GetEncodedValue (Json) Viper Method
- This.GetEncoding Viper Method
- This.GetForcedResult Viper Method
- This.GetInnerXml (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.GetJson (Json) Viper Method
- This.GetJsonTypeName (Json) Viper Method
- This.GetJsonTypeName (Json) Viper Method
- This.GetLabel (SmartletEditor) Viper Method
- This.GetLocalNodeName (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.GetMaxYValue (Chart) Viper Method
- This.GetMinYValue (Chart) Viper Method
- This.GetNameByPosition (Json) Viper Method
- This.GetNamespaceUri (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.GetNodeName (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.GetOmitXmlDeclaration (XHtmlPage) Viper Method
- This.GetParameter Viper Method
- This.GetPollItem (Poll) Viper Method
- This.GetPrefix (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.getseriesname (Chart) Viper Method
- This.GetTypedValue (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.GetValue (Json) Viper Method
- This.GetValue (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.GetValueByPosition (Json) Viper Method
- This.GetXml (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.GoTo (Paging) Viper Method
- This.Group Viper Method
- This.GroupCount Viper Method
- This.GroupNumber Viper Method
- This.GroupResult Viper Method
- This.GroupRowNumber Viper Method
- This.HasUserVoted (Poll) Viper Method
- This.HeadSection Viper Method
- This.Height (SmartletBox) Viper Method
- This.Ignore (CacheFile) Viper Method
- This.ImageId (Image) Viper Method
- This.Index (For) Viper Method
- This.InfoLabel (SmartletEditor) Viper Method
- This.Initialized (Paging) Viper Method
- This.InnerClass (SmartletBox) Viper Method
- This.InsertAfter (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.InsertBefore (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.InsertNodeAfter (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.InsertNodeBefore (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.isActive (Poll) Viper Method
- This.IsBaseQuery (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.IsBaseQuery (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.IsCached (Cache) Viper Method
- This.IsDirectory (Dir) Viper Method
- This.isMultiSelect (Poll) Viper Method
- This.ItemFormat (FeedReader) Viper Method
- This.ItemFormat (SiteMap) Viper Method
- This.JoinClause (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.JoinClause (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.Key.Add (CacheFile) Viper Method
- This.Key.RemoveChannelDependency (CacheFile) Viper Method
- This.LastModified Viper Method
- This.LastResult (Paging) Viper Method
- This.Length (Json) Viper Method
- This.Length Viper Method
- This.Level Viper Method
- This.LevelResult Viper Method
- This.LevelRowNumber Viper Method
- This.Load (Json) Viper Method
- This.Location (Paging) Viper Method
- This.Location Viper Method
- This.MaxRows Viper Method
- This.MimeType (Json) Viper Method
- This.MimeType Viper Method
- This.Mode (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.Mode (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.Name Viper Method
- This.Offset (Paging) Viper Method
- This.OnClick (Image) Viper Method
- This.OrderBy (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.OrderBy (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.OrderId (Payment) Viper Method
- This.OuterClass (SmartletBox) Viper Method
- This.OuterId (SmartletBox) Viper Method
- This.OutputColorDepth (Image) Viper Method
- This.OutputCommandOrder (Image) Viper Method
- This.OutputFileSize (Image) Viper Method
- This.OutputFileType (Image) Viper Method
- This.OutputFrameCount (Image) Viper Method
- This.OutputHeight (Image) Viper Method
- This.OutputLocation (Image) Viper Method
- This.OutputResolutionUnit (Image) Viper Method
- This.OutputResolutionX (Image) Viper Method
- This.OutputResolutionY (Image) Viper Method
- This.OutputStyle (Image) Viper Method
- This.OutputWidth (Image) Viper Method
- This.param Viper Method
- This.ParameterExists Viper Method
- This.ParentLevel (Parents) Viper Method
- This.PaymentMethod (Payment) Viper Method
- This.PopularityWeight (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.PopularityWeight (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.PopulateDatatable (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.PreviewPane (SmartletEditor) Viper Method
- This.Price (ShoppingCart) Viper Method
- This.Products (ShoppingCart) Viper Method
- This.Question (Poll) Viper Method
- This.Rank (Tags) Viper Method
- This.RankingFields (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.RankingFields (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.RankingStatement (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.RankingStatement (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.RawField Viper Method
- This.Redirect (Payment) Viper Method
- This.Remove (Json) Viper Method
- This.Remove (ShoppingCart) Viper Method
- This.RemoveAll (ShoppingCart) Viper Method
- This.RemoveAttribute (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.RemoveNamespace (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.Render (Application) Viper Method
- This.Render Viper Method
- This.Rendered Viper Method
- This.RenderedChannel (References) Viper Method
- This.RenderTime Viper Method
- This.ResponseCookies (EmbedUri) Viper Method
- This.ResponseHeaders (EmbedUri) Viper Method
- This.ResponseHeaders Viper Method
- This.ResponseTime Viper Method
- This.Result Viper Method
- This.Result Viper Method
- This.ResultChannelCode (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.ResultChannelCode (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.ResultChannelJoins (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.ResultChannelJoins (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.RowCount Viper Method
- This.RowNumber Viper Method
- This.RowResult Viper Method
- This.Search Viper Method
- This.SearchCondition (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.SearchCondition (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.SearchGroupViewName (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.SearchGroupViewName (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.SearchQuery (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.SearchQuery (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.SelectFields (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.SelectFields (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.SeoPriority (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.SeoPriority (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.Serial (Payment) Viper Method
- This.Serve (CacheFile) Viper Method
- This.Set (Json) Viper Method
- This.SetAttribute (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.SetCurrentPage (Paging) Viper Method
- This.SetCustomDocType Viper Method
- This.SetDocType Viper Method
- This.SetEncoding Viper Method
- This.SetForcedResult Viper Method
- This.SetInnerXml (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.SetNamespace (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.SetNull (Json) Viper Method
- This.SetOmitXmlDeclaration (XHtmlPage) Viper Method
- This.SetProductCount (ShoppingCart) Viper Method
- This.SetResult (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.SetTotalCount (Paging) Viper Method
- This.SetValue (Json) Viper Method
- This.SetValue (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.SetXmlVersion (XHtmlPage) Viper Method
- This.SiblingCount (Siblings) Viper Method
- This.SiblingExists (Siblings) Viper Method
- This.Size (Dir) Viper Method
- This.Size (Paging) Viper Method
- This.Size Viper Method
- This.Skip (Paging) Viper Method
- This.SkipRows Viper Method
- This.SmartletName (SmartletEditor) Viper Method
- This.Status (Payment) Viper Method
- This.StatusCode Viper Method
- This.Step (For) Viper Method
- This.Summary (Payment) Viper Method
- This.SXMLPath Viper Method
- This.TableOrView (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.TableOrView (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.TaxGroups (ShoppingCart) Viper Method
- This.TaxTotals (ShoppingCart) Viper Method
- This.Title (Dir) Viper Method
- This.Title (Image) Viper Method
- This.Title (SmartletEditor) Viper Method
- This.Title Viper Method
- This.ToDisplay (ShoppingCart) Viper Method
- This.ToString (ShoppingCart) Viper Method
- This.Totals (ShoppingCart) Viper Method
- This.TotalVotes (Poll) Viper Method
- This.ToXml (ShoppingCart) Viper Method
- This.UseBox (SmartletBox) Viper Method
- This.Value (Switch) Viper Method
- This.VisibleRowCount Viper Method
- This.VisibleRowNumber Viper Method
- This.Vote (Poll) Viper Method
- This.WhereClause (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder) Viper Method
- This.WhereClause (FacetedSearchQueryBuilder20) Viper Method
- This.Width (SmartletBox) Viper Method
- This.Xml (XmlProcessor) Viper Method
- This.XmlDeclaration (XHtmlPage) Viper Method
- This.XValue (Chart) Viper Method
- This.YValue (Chart) Viper Method
- SXML Data Types
- Examples
- Tips & Tricks