Searches for rows matching the given criteria.

This viper method also supports the extension viper syntax.


Smartsite SXML CopyCode image Copy Code
datatable targetId, string filterExpression)
datatable filterExpression)

Extension Viper Syntax

Smartsite SXML CopyCode image Copy Code
datatable page.<id>.search(string targetId, string filterExpression)
datatable page.<id>.search(string filterExpression)


Name Data Type Description
targetId String The placeholder id.
filterExpression String The filter expression.

Return Value

Data Type Description
DataTable A datatable holding the results found.

Used in

Macro Description
Metadata Provides metadata that can be included in an HTML page and forwarded to external components such as the PDF generator and Image Processor.
PlaceHolder Represents a datatable that can be accessed from other elements while in scope, then formatted and rendered when going out of scope.