CTFP SchemaWarningsOnly

Release 1.0 - ...

The CTFP SchemaWarningsOnly, when set to true, causes the Content Validation storagehandler to optionally treat schema errors as warning.

That is, normally when an item is saved in an active state and it contains schema validation errors, an error message is displayed and the item won't be saved, until the user fixes the schema errors. Saving an item in any other state is not affected by this CTFP, since schema errors will always be treated as a warning in these circumstances.

Because you could have multiple fields that should be validated and this setting can only apply to an entire contenttype, this CTFP should be configured on the Nr field of a specific ContentType. As said before, it's a boolean field property, with false as default value.

Additionally, there's a debugging option to completely suppress the content validation for all contenttypes.
To enable this option, add the string value DisableContentValidation to the Debugging key of the Site's registry key and specify 1 as value. Notice that the Enabled string value must also specify 1 as value (when Smartsite reads a debugging option from the registry, both Enabled and the option itself must specify 1 as value).