Scf Behavior

Release 1.1 - ...

Behavior is a jQuery extension included in Scf. It allows for declaration of behaviors as self-contained entities that can be attached to DOM elements using jQuery selectors:

For instance, consider the following behavior. It is designed to test email addresses:

  CopyCode image Copy Code
$j.scf.behavior.add('eMailValidation', { 
  attach: function(element, settings, jQueryObj){
    var f = function(event){

The eMailValidation behavior can now be attached to a text input:

Smartsite SXML CopyCode image Copy Code
$j('form.CoolForm input.eMail').scf.behavior('eMailValidation');


You can automatically attach behaviors to selectors by providing an autoAttach property in your behavior declaration:

  CopyCode image Copy Code
$j.scf.behavior.add('eMailValidation', { 
  autoAttach: "form.CoolForm input.eMail",
  attach: function(element, settings, jQueryObj){
    var f = function(event){

Local behaviors

The generic eMailValidation behavior mentioned above is a typical candidate for inclusion in the /scf/jquery/behaviors/classes/ folder, to automatically attach the behavior whenever an input is defined with the "eMail" class within a form with the "CoolForm" class. Many times however, you will have specific behaviors you wish to attach to some element in a single page. For this, you can declare and attach a behavior using a single command:

  CopyCode image Copy Code
     alert('Hello world!');
     return false;

