This document is provided on an "AS IS" basis without warranties of any kind. Smartsite iXperion class libraries may change in future releases.


C# Copy imageCopy Code
                                  public class Webservice
Visual Basic (Declaration) Copy imageCopy Code
                                  Public Class Webservice

The type exposes the following methods.

Public Methods

  Name Description
Public method AddAIMRelation
Adds an item to the AIM relations collection.
(Inherited from Module.)
Public method ApplyProperties
Applies the properties from the SXML processing environment into the current module.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public method BeginExecute
Override this to execute code before Execute() is fired.
Last point to add data to the Cache Signature.
(Inherited from Module.)
Public method Capture
Passes an SXML subtree to the current module.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public method CheckTimeout
Checks whether execution has timed out, given the setting of TimeoutMilliseconds()()()().
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public method ClearForcedResult
Sets the result of the macro.
used to override the normal handling of the result creation.
(Inherited from Module.)
Public method Dispose
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public method DoPreparse
Check whether to preparse data in the given property.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public method DoRecurseTag
Determines whether to recurse on a given tag
Public method EndExecute
Override this to execute code after Execute() is fired.
(Inherited from Module.)
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Public method EvaluatePropertyExpression
Evaluates an expression in a property with Expression Syntax
(Inherited from Module.)
Public method Execute
Executes the webservice request.
(Overrides Module..::Execute()()()().)
Public method ExecuteRawParameter
Executes the data of a raw parameter.
(Inherited from Module.)
Public method ExistsBuffer
Checks whether a local buffer exists.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public method ExistsField
Checks whether the given field exists.
(Inherited from ResultSetModule.)
Public method Find
Finds the specified child module.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public method FindExtension
Finds an extension macro.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public method GetAIMRelations
Gets a list of all outgoing AIM relations created by the macro.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public method GetBuffer
Gets a local buffer.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public method GetChildLevelResult
Gets the result of the child levels.
(Inherited from ResultSetModule.)
Public method GetColumnCount
Gets the number of columns in the datatable.
(Inherited from ResultSetModule.)
Public method GetColumnName
Gets the name of the current column.
(Inherited from ResultSetModule.)
Public method GetColumnName
Gets the name of the given column.
(Inherited from ResultSetModule.)
Public method GetColumnNumber
Gets the number of the current column.
(Inherited from ResultSetModule.)
Public method GetException
Returns the text message of the exception that has occurred.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public method GetExceptionSmartsiteCode
Returns the Smartsite Error code of the exception that has occurred.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public method GetExceptionString
Returns the full information of the exception that has occurred, including the stack trace.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public method GetExceptionType
Returns the full Type name of the exception that has occurred.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public method GetFieldValue
Gets the field value of the current column in the current row, when using colformat.
(Inherited from ResultSetModule.)
Public method GetFieldValue
Gets the field value of the field with the given index in the current row.
(Inherited from ResultSetModule.)
Public method GetFieldValue
Gets the field value of the field with the given name in the current row.
(Inherited from ResultSetModule.)
Public method GetFieldValue
Gets the field value of the field with the given index in the current row.
(Inherited from ResultSetModule.)
Public method GetFieldValue
Gets the field value of the field with the given name in the current row.
(Inherited from ResultSetModule.)
Public method GetForcedResult
Gets the forced result of the macro, set by overriding the normal rendering using SetForcedResult().
(Inherited from Module.)
Public method GetGroup
Gets the name of the current group.
(Inherited from ResultSetModule.)
Public method GetGroupCount
Gets the total number of groups displayed.
(Inherited from ResultSetModule.)
Public method GetGroupNumber
Gets the number of the current group.
(Inherited from ResultSetModule.)
Public method GetGroupResult
Gets the result of the current group.
(Inherited from ResultSetModule.)
Public method GetGroupRowNumber
Gets the number of the current row in the current group.
(Inherited from ResultSetModule.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetInnerException
Returns the text message of the inner exception of the exception that has occurred.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public method GetInnerExceptionSmartsiteCode
Returns Smartsite error code of the inner exception of the exception that has occurred.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public method GetInnerExceptionString
Returns the full information of the inner exception of the exception that has occurred, including the stack trace.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public method GetInnerExceptionType
Returns the full Type name of the inner exception of the exception that has occurred.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public method GetLevel
Gets the current formatting level.
(Inherited from ResultSetModule.)
Public method GetLevelResult
Gets the result of the current level.
(Inherited from ResultSetModule.)
Public method GetLevelRowNumber
Gets the current row of the current level.
(Inherited from ResultSetModule.)
Public method GetLocation
Gets the location the current row points to, in a macro that can build URLs.
(Inherited from ResultSetModule.)
Public method GetParam
Gets the value of a parameter with the given index. Useful when using the viper:exec inside xslt formatting.
(Inherited from ResultSetModule.)
Public method GetParameter
Gets the value of the given parameter/property.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public method GetParameter
Gets the value of the given parameter/property.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public method GetParent
Gets the parent Module of this module.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public method GetParent
Gets the parent Module of this module, optionally crossing RenderContext boundaries if allowed so by embeds (Sandboxing off).
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public method GetRawFieldValue
Gets the raw field value of the current column in the current row, when using colformat.
(Inherited from ResultSetModule.)
Public method GetRawFieldValue
Gets the raw field value of the field with the given index in the current row.
(Inherited from ResultSetModule.)
Public method GetRawFieldValue
Gets the raw field value of the field with the given name in the current row.
(Inherited from ResultSetModule.)
Public method GetRenderTime
Returns the render time of the macro in milliseconds.
(Inherited from Module.)
Public method GetResult
Returns the result of the macro.
Typically used in the ResultFormat property, to format, convert or encode the result.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public method GetResult
Returns the result of the macro.
Typically used in the ResultFormat property, to format, convert or encode the result.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public method GetRowCount
Gets the total number of rows in the datatable.
(Inherited from ResultSetModule.)
Public method GetRowName
Gets the title or name represented by the current row.
(Inherited from ResultSetModule.)
Public method GetRowNumber
Gets the current row number.
(Inherited from ResultSetModule.)
Public method GetRowNumber
Gets the row number of the Nth parent level. Only available when using levelformat.
(Inherited from ResultSetModule.)
Public method GetRowResult
Gets the result of the current row.
(Inherited from ResultSetModule.)
Public method GetRowTitle
Gets the title represented by the current row.
(Inherited from ResultSetModule.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetVisibleRowCount
Gets the total number of rows displayed.
(Inherited from ResultSetModule.)
Public method GetVisibleRowNumber
Gets the current visible row number.
(Inherited from ResultSetModule.)
Public method Initialize
Called to initialize this Module
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public method IsChildOf
Determines whether the module is a descendant of the given parent
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public method ParameterExists
Checks whether the given parameter/property is set.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public method PreInitialize
Called just before initialization of the module
(Inherited from Module.)
Public method ReadyExecuting
Method that is called after the module has executed.
(Inherited from Module.)
Public method ScopeTerminated
Executed when the module is about to get out of scope.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public method SetBuffer
Sets a local buffer.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public method SetForcedResult
Sets the result of the macro.
used to override the normal handling of the result creation.
(Inherited from Module.)
Public method SetForcedResult
Sets the result of the macro.
used to override the normal handling of the result creation.
(Inherited from Module.)
Public method SetForcedResult
Sets the result of the macro.
used to override the normal handling of the result creation.
(Inherited from Module.)
Public method SetForcedResult
Sets the result of the macro.
used to override the normal handling of the result creation.
(Inherited from Module.)
Public method SetForcedResult
Sets the result of the macro.
used to override the normal handling of the result creation.
(Inherited from Module.)
Public method SetForcedResult
Sets the result of the macro.
used to override the normal handling of the result creation.
(Inherited from Module.)
Public method SetForcedResult
Sets the result of the macro.
used to override the normal handling of the result creation.
(Inherited from Module.)
Public method TestCondition
Tests whether execution should take place based on the expression in the condition property
(Inherited from Module.)
Public method TestPropertyExpression
Tests whether an expression in a property with Expression Syntax evaluates to true.
(Inherited from Module.)
Public method ThrowCurrentException
Makes Smartsite throw the current exception.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public method ThrowInnerException
Makes Smartsite throw the inner exception.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public method ToString
Returns a string that represents the current macro.
(Inherited from Module.)
Public method ToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Module.)

Protected Methods

  Name Description
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method IsBufferName
Determines whether the data is a buffer name.
(Inherited from Module.)
Protected method IsSingleSaveBuffername
Determines whether a single save buffername is used.
(Inherited from Module.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method SetCurrentProperty
Sets the current property.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)

Explicit Interface Implementations

  Name Description
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IModuleExec..::..Cancel (Inherited from BaseModule.)
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IModuleExec..::..FinishExecute (Inherited from BaseModule.)
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IModuleExec..::..Initialize (Inherited from BaseModule.)
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IModuleExec..::..SetChildException (Inherited from BaseModule.)
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IModuleExec..::..SetInitialized
Triggers the Initialized status in the module.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IModuleExec..::..SetProperty (Inherited from BaseModule.)
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IModuleExec..::..SetProperty (Inherited from BaseModule.)
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IModuleExec..::..StartExecute (Inherited from BaseModule.)

See Also
