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C# Copy imageCopy Code
                                  public class Webservice
Visual Basic (Declaration) Copy imageCopy Code
                                  Public Class Webservice

The type exposes the following properties.

Public Properties

  Name Description
Public property AcceptsInnerXml
Returns true if the module currently accepts string data within the macro tags.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public property AccessDeniedReturnValue
Gets or sets the value that is returned when the site visitor has insufficient access.
(Inherited from Module.)
Public property AIMMode
Gets or sets the AIM scanning mode of the macro.
(Inherited from Module.)
Public property AIMOrigin
Returns the current AIM source. If AIMMode is Autonomous, the current instructionsource is used, otherwise the current item.
(Inherited from Module.)
Public property BindingConfigurationName
Gets or sets the name of the binding configuration.
When you specify a BindingConfigurationName, the web.config must contain a binding configuration section with that name.
Public property BindingType
Gets or sets the type of the binding.
Public property BufferNames
Gets or sets the buffer names.
(Inherited from Module.)
Public property Condition
Gets or sets the Viper expression to evaluate before actually executing the macro.
If the expression returns false, the execution of the module and its child modules is skipped.
(Inherited from Module.)
Public property ConditionMatched
Must return true if TestCondition() matched.
(Inherited from Module.)
Public property CurrentCacheModule
Returns a reference to the current cache module, if the current instruction is encapsulated by a cache block.
(Inherited from Module.)
Public property CurrentProperty
Gets the property currently being set on the module.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public property DefaultValue
Gets or sets the default value that will be returned when the execution would otherwise return an empty string.
(Inherited from Module.)
Public property EndpointConfigurationName
Gets or sets the name of the endpoint configuration.
When you specify an EndpointConfigurationName, the web.config must contain an (client) endpoint configuration with that name.
Public property Format
Gets or sets the formatting Xml.
(Inherited from ResultSetModule.)
Public property Formatting
Gets the formatting options.
(Inherited from Module.)
Public property HasParameterSection
Returns true if the macro currently uses an SXML parameters section
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public property Id
Gets or sets the unique id of the module instance during the current processing.
Modules with Id set will be kept alive during the complete rendering and can be accessed from other modules using the Find method.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public property IsCancelled
Gets a value indicating whether the execution of the macro is cancelled.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public property IsSelfClosing
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is self closing.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public property LiteralMethodNode
Literal body element, which will be appended to the method-node of the SoapEnvelope. Use either this property or the MethodArguments property to specify the method arguments/parameters. (When both properties are specified, LiteralMethodeNode will be ignored.)
Public property LocalId
Gets or sets the local id of the macro in the current buffer scope.
(Inherited from Module.)
Public property MaxReceivedMessageSize
Gets or sets the max received message size.
If BindingConfigurationName has been specified as well, MaxReceivedMessageSize will be ignored.
Public property MaxRows
Gets or sets a limit for the number of rows that the output may contain.
(Inherited from ResultSetModule.)
Public property MethodArguments
The method arguments.
Public property MethodName
The name of the webservice method that should be invoked.
It is required to either specify the MethodName or the LiteralMethodNode parameter.
Public property MethodNamespace
The namespace to be used on the MethodName.
Public property MethodNamespacePrefix
The prefix to be used for the MethodNamespace.
Public property MinimumAccessTypeLevel
Friendly name of the minimum access type level required by the site visitor to execute this macro.
(Inherited from Module.)
Public property ModuleInfo
Gets the module info.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public property OnErrorReturnValue
Gets or sets the value to return in case on error occurs during execution.
The Viper expressions this.error(), this.error(full) and this.error(type) are available in this context.
(Inherited from Module.)
Public property OutputInnerText
If true, the "innerText" of the SoapEnvelope response will be returned as result. If false, the result should be formatted using the format-parameter.
Public property OutputRequestEnvelope
Outputs the request SoapEnvelope as string (debug option).
The actual request will not be executed, so there will be no response.
Public property ParametersNamespace
The namespace to be used for the parameters/arguments inside the body element.
Public property Password
Gets or sets the password.
Only needed when the webservice is restricted by means of basic http authentication.
Public property Properties
Gets the full list of properties as set when executing the module.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public property RawSoapHeaders
Gets or sets the raw (literal) SOAP headers.
Public property ReadSchema
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use the option XmlReadMode.ReadSchema when reading the response into a DataSet. This setting is only applicable when resulttype has been set to DataTable.
Public property Remarks
Gets or sets the remarks. Remarks have no effect on the actual execution of the module.
They only improve the readability of the code.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public property Result
Returns a reference to the module result
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public property ResultFormat
Gets or sets the resultformat.
(Inherited from Module.)
Public property ResultType
Gets or sets the type of the result.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public property RowDelimiter
Specifies the delimiter string that separates individual records.
(Inherited from ResultSetModule.)
Public property RowFormat
Gets or sets the formatting string.
(Inherited from ResultSetModule.)
Public property SendTimeout
Gets or sets the send timeout (in seconds).
When you need to set one of the other timeout values, use a binding configuration section and specify its name using the parameter BindingConfigurationName.
Public property SkipRows
Specifies which row will be the first row in the output.
(Inherited from ResultSetModule.)
Public property SoapAction
The SoapAction HTTP header.
When not specified, it defaults to MethodNamespace + MethodName.
Public property State
Gets a key/value collection that can be used to organize and share data during the lifecycle of a module.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public property Status
Gets a value indicating the ModuleStatus of this module.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public property SXMLPath
Gets the path to the macro in the current execution stack.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public property TimeoutSeconds
Gets or sets the timeout in seconds. In the overriden Execute() method, you can call CheckTimeout() to check whether execution has timed out.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public property Trim
Gets a value indicating how the whitespace is trimmed.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public property TypeName
Gets the name of the Module type.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public property Url
The url of the webservice.
Public property UserName
Gets or sets the name of the user.
Only needed when the webservice is restricted by means of basic http authentication.
Public property UserSetPropertyList
Gets the user-set property list.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public property Whitespace
Gets a value indicating whether to preserve whitespace.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)
Public property WriteTypeAttributes
Determines if type-information (e.g. xsi:type= 'xsd:int') should be included on the argument(s). Defaults to true.

Protected Properties

  Name Description
Protected property CurrentlyFormatting
Returns true if currently formatting
(Inherited from ResultSetModule.)
Protected property IContext
Gets a reference to the IContext interface.
(Inherited from BaseModule.)

Explicit Interface Implementations

See Also
