Search Filters

Release 1.3 - ...

Faceted Search can be initialized with a set of default filters using the Filters property. This is a JSON that contains the following settings:

Property Type Description
filters object Root property that contains all the applied filters.
filters.<filterName> object All properties that belong to a single filter. The <filterName> applies to the facet name in the query xml.
filters.<filterName>.selection array Contains each filter setting.
filters.<filterName>.selection[i].key string The filter key, used in the WHERE clause of the database query.
filters.<filterName>.selection[i].name string A friendly name, used to display the filter.
filters.<filterName>.multi string

Determines how multiple keys are combined:

  • or
  • and
  • single (doesn't allow multiple keys)
filters.<filterName>.inv boolean Inverts the selection. Multiple keys are always combined with or.
filters.<filterName>.list string

Determines how the filters are displayed to the user:

  • show - default, shows the filter and allows the user to remove it
  • hide - hides the filter from the user
  • rdonly - shows the filter, but doesn't allow the user to remove it

The following example allows the user to search News items that were published in the last year. The News filter is visible to the user, but it can't be changed. The period filter is hidden.

Smartsite SXML CopyCode image Copy Code
<se:buffer name="filters">
     "name":"last year"