Mirror Command

Smartsite 7 - ...

The Mirror command mirrors an image.


Shorthand Description Values
m Sets the direction of the mirror command. 0 = none, 1 = horizontal, 2 = vertical, 3 = both

Command definition

XML CopyCode image Copy Code
  <add id="mirror" type="Smartsite.ImageProcessor.Commands.MirrorCommand, Smartsite.ImageProcessor" enabled="true">
      <!-- 0: none, 1: horizontal, 2: vertical, 3: both. default: none -->
      <add name="mirror" shortcut="m" />


Original image
Original image

Example: mirror horizontal
Mirror horizontal (?hid=img;m=1;)

Example: mirror vertical
Mirror vertical (?hid=img;m=2;)

Example: mirror both
Mirror both (?hid=img;m=3;)