Rotate Command

Smartsite 7 - ...

The Rotate command rotates an image.


Shorthand Description Default
r A value between 0 and 359 to determine the degrees of rotation set for the image. N/A
rbc After rotation an image displays certain "exposed regions". These regions can be given a color. Any hex or well-known color format is valid. Transparent

Command definition

XML CopyCode image Copy Code
<add id="rotate" type="Smartsite.ImageProcessor.Commands.RotateCommand, Smartsite.ImageProcessor" enabled="true">
      <!-- rotation angle as double -->
      <add name="degrees" shortcut="r" />
      <!-- default: transparent -->
      <add name="backcolor" shortcut="rbc" />


Original image
Original image

Example: rotate 90 degrees
Rotate 90 degrees (?hid=img;r=90;)

Example: rotate 30 degrees
Rotate 30 degrees (?hid=img;r=30;)