Resize Command

Smartsite 7 - ...

The Resize command resizes an image.


Shorthand Description Type
w Sets the output width of an image. a positive integer value
h Sets the output height of an image. a positive integer value
mxw Sets the maximum width of an image (it can be smaller). a positive integer value
mxh Sets the maximum height of an image (it can be shorter). a positive integer value
mnw Sets the minium width of an image (it can be wider). a positive integer value
mnh Sets the minimum height of an image (it can be higher). a positive integer value
ar Whether or not to maintain the aspect ratio when resizing the image. Defaults to 1 (maintain aspect ratio). 0 = do not maintain, 1 = maintain aspect ratio

Command definition

XML CopyCode image Copy Code
      <add id="resize" type="Smartsite.ImageProcessor.Commands.ResizeCommand, Smartsite.ImageProcessor" enabled="true">
          <add name="width" shortcut="w" />
          <add name="height" shortcut="h" />
          <add name="maxwidth" shortcut="mxw" constraint="3000" />
          <add name="maxheight" shortcut="mxh" constraint="2250" />
          <add name="minwidth" shortcut="mnw" />
          <add name="minheight" shortcut="mnh" />
          <add name="aspectratio" shortcut="ar" />


Original image
Original image

Example: width 400px
Width 400 pixels (?hid=img;w=400;)

Example: width and height 400px, aspect ratio 0
Width and height 400 pixels, do not maintain aspect ratio (?hid=img;w=400;h=400;ar=0)