Filtering TinyMCE sub-actions

Smartsite 7.8 - ...

The various sub actions (libraries, trees) to add images or links in TinyMCE can now be filtered using the following CTFPs:

Property Example Description
cms:addlinkfromtree.startnode 123 Item number or code of the root item below which items can be linked. This property works in the content tree as well as the content library.
cms:addlinkfromdisk.startnode /Documents Disk path of the root folder below which files can be linked.
cms:addimagefromtree.startnode IMAGES Item number or code of the root item below which images can be chosen. This property works in the content tree as well as the media library. 
cms:addimagefromdisk.startnode /Images Disk path of the root folder below which image files can be chosen. 
cms:addlink.contenttypefilter WP;CWP;DOC Semi-colon separated list of contenttype codes to which links can be created.