SmartsiteRollUps TinyMce plugin

Smartsite 7.3 - ...

To save space in the TinyMce toolbar, all buttons for inserting links and media can now be grouped using the SmartsiteRollUps plugin. The plugin adds two buttons: smartsitelinks and smartsitemedia.

The smartsitelinks button wraps the following buttons

  • link
  • addlinkcontentlib
  • addlinkcontenttree
  • addlinkfileexplorer
  • unlink

and can be overridden using the setting "smartsiterollups_links".

The smartsitemedia button wraps the following buttons

  • image
  • addimagemedialib
  • addimagecontenttree
  • addimagefileexplorer
  • youtube

and can be overridden using the setting "smartsiterollups_media".