List of built-in reports

Release 1.3 - ...

This is the list of built-in queries in the SmiData macro. The first column of the table contains the name of the report you can use in the Report parameter of the SmiData macro. The second table shows in which version of iXperion, the report was introduced. The third parameter shows which parameters of the SmiData macro are relevant for the report. If none of these built-in reports are what you need, you can use the Sql parameter to write your own sql statement.

Report Since Parameters used
VISITORSPERDAY 1.3b1 From, Until, Channel, Scope, ScopeType
VISITORSPERWEEKDAY 1.3b1 From, Until, Channel, Scope, ScopeType
VISITORSPERCHANNEL 1.3b1 From, Until, Scope, ScopeType
PAGEVIEWSPERHOUR 1.3b1 From, Until, Channel, Scope, ScopeType
VISITORSPERHOUR 1.3b1 From, Until, Channel, Scope, ScopeType
VISITSPERHOUR 1.3b1 From, Until, Channel, Scope, ScopeType
MOSTPOPULARPAGES 1.3b1 From, Until, Channel, Scope, ScopeType
MOSTPOPULARPAGESLIST 1.3b3 From, Until, Channel, Scope, ScopeType, ReportLength
SITEENTRIES 1.3b1 From, Until, Channel, Scope, ScopeType
SITEEXITS 1.3b1 From, Until, Channel, Scope, ScopeType
VISITORTRACKING 1.3b1 ReportLength
CLICKPATHTOITEM 1.3b1 From, Until, Channel, Scope
CLICKPATHFROMITEM 1.3b1 From, Until, Channel, Scope
RENDERTIMES 1.3b1 From, Until, Channel, Scope, ScopeType, ReportLength
RENDERTIMEDISTRIBUTION 1.3b1 From, Until, Channel, Scope
category:[group]\[category] 1.3b1 From, Until, Channel, Scope, ScopeType

The report "category:[group]\[category]" is a special case that is especially useful when you want to retrieve data from custom events.