
Release 1.0 - ...

PageTranslations enable you to define page-local translations that behave just like normal translations, except that they are scoped to the current rendering.

Example 1

Smartsite SXML CopyCode image Copy Code
<se:pagetranslations id="dates"> 
    <se:member name="display(date)">
      {datetime.format(translation.arg(1), 'd MMMM yyyy, HH:mm')}
Smartsite SXML CopyCode image Copy Code
<se:pagetranslations id="links">
    <se:member name="menu(number)">   
      <se:xlinks displayfields="nr, title, adddate, moddate" parent="{translation.arg(1)}">
          <se:parameter name="format">
                <a href="{this.location()}">{this.field(title)}</a>
                <br />
                <small>Added {translation.dates.display(this.field(adddate))},
                  last modified {translation.dates.display(this.field(moddate))}
          <se:parameter name="resultformat">
</se:pagetranslations> we can use the following syntax:

Smartsite SXML CopyCode image Copy Code

Example 2

Smartsite SXML CopyCode image Copy Code
<se:pagetranslations id="images">
    <se:member name="thumb(location, width, alttext)">
       width="{translation.arg(2, default=100)}" 
Smartsite SXML CopyCode image Copy Code
{translation.images.thumb(3,,'Smartsite iXperion Logo as thumbnail')}

...resulting in:

HTML CopyCode image Copy Code
 alt="Smartsite iXperion Logo as thumbnail" 


Page-local translations are ideal for modularizing your business logic. They behave exactly like normal translations but are scoped to the current page rendering. Consider them as your utility toolbox: you can even place them in normal translations and use them like you would use javascript libraries.