Working with out-parameters

Release 1.4 - ...

You can now mark translation arguments as out-parameters, meaning that the translation can set more than only the return value.

Translation name:

Smartsite SXML CopyCode image Copy Code
boolean TryGetItem(Locator url, out integer nr, out string title)


Smartsite SXML CopyCode image Copy Code
{buffer.set(nr, url.getitemnumber(translation.arg(url)))}
{translation.setresult($nr GT 0)}
<se:if expression="$nr GT 0">
   {translation.setoutparameter(nr, $nr)}
   {translation.setoutparameter(title, itemdata.rawfield(title, $nr))}

The caller of the translation can then get access to the out-parameters in the 'onreturn' named argument of the call:

Smartsite SXML CopyCode image Copy Code
<se:if expression="trygetitem(MY_GIVEN_PAGE_CODE, 
  onreturn=buffer.set(n, translation.getoutparameter(nr));
  buffer.set(s, translation.getoutparameter(title)))" 