Release 1.3 - ...

<smartsite.facetedsearch> element

The root node for the query xml configuration.

This configuration xml (aka query xml) is used within both Faceted Search macros: facetedsearchprepareinputdata and facetedsearchquerybuilder. The property ConfigurationXml should be used to pass the appropriate configuration xml.

Most of the elements within the query xml are used to construct the SQL queries which are used to retrieve the search results and fill the facets.

This is a dynamic process. For example, dependent on the selected filters (facets), one or more JOIN clauses will be added to the main search query (query element within masterquery element) and the WHERE clause will be expanded with statement(s) to fulfill the facet/filter selection.

This is achieved by using local instance vipers within the query definitions, which are resolved at runtime when the appropriate parameters have been determined.

The available local instance vipers will be listed for each element separately.

Notice however, when within a certain element these local instance viper calls are used, the element's value must be enclosed within an CDATA section (otherwise the vipers will be resolved before the configuration xml is passed to the Faceted Search macros).

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