
If no inputdata and no sql query are passed to the list smartlet, it will try to construct a query itself using the QueryBuilder translation. The following Smartlet parameters determine the output.

Name Type Default Description
contenttypes String WP Comma-separated list of content type codes. 
fields String nr, title Comma-separated list of fields to be selected from the Contents table.
includecategory Boolean false Include the Category thesaurus relation. Both the thesaurus term and the corresponding number will be included in the query. The former is called "category_Name", the latter "category_Nr".
orderby String - Field by which the query will be ordered.
ascdesc String ASC ASC or DESC determines the direction in which the ordering takes place.
extrawhere String - Extra clause that will be added to the condition of the query using the AND operator.
hierarchy String 0 Optional item number of a folder below which items will be selected.
usecurrentfolder Boolean false If set to true, the hierarchy parameter is set to the current page (or its parent, if the current page is not a folder).
directdescendants Boolean true Determines whether the query selects only the direct descendants of the item specified in hierarchy or if it selects the entire branch of the site recursively.
contentrelations String - Comma-separated list of content relation codes. Only 1-n and n-1 relations are supported. The query returns the related item's Nr and Title fields using the naming convention <relation code>_Nr and <relation code>_Title.
showhidden Boolean false Determines whether items with the HiddenChild flag are displayed.
getquery Boolean false Set to true to have the smartlet return the query created by the QueryBuilder instead of executing it and disaplying the results. Ignored outside the preview of the Smartlet Editor.