Tags macro

Release 1.1 - ...

The Tags Smartlet displays either a cloud or list of thesaurus terms which are linked to other items. Thesaurus terms which are more popular or more relevant, will be displayed using a larger font size.

The SmartletConfig item contains a default configuration setting for which thesaurus should be used, and is set to KWD.

By default, when clicking a specific tag, an overview will be displayed of items having that tag (that is, items which have a thesaurus relation to that specific thesaurus term).


The image below shows an example of the Tags Smartlet.

Tags example (cloud mode)


The table below gives an overview of the available parameters for the Tags Smartlet.

Name Type Default Description
mode string Cloud Display-mode: Cloud or List.
tagdetailsurl locator None Url which links the displayed tags to an item.
weight string Relevance Tag relevance mode: Relevance or Popularity.
thesaurus string None Code of the thesaurus to be used.
maxrows integer 20 Maximum number of rows.
minfontsize float .5 The minimum font size to be used.
maxfontsize float 2 The maximum font size to be used.
threshold integer 1 Threshold for the tags
(usagecount must exceed this number before tag is displayed).

Technical details

The Tags Smartlet uses the Tags SXML macro internally. This macro executes a sql statement (using the view vwThesaurus, the active channel's view and the table ContentsThesterms) to get a list of thesaurus terms which are related to content items within your site. Which thesaurus should be used for this purpose can be specified using the thesaurus parameter.

Dependent on the weight param (tag relevance mode), the thesaurus terms/records are either ordered by the number of items which have a relation to each term (Relevance), or the number of pageviews (using a join to the PageRequest table) of items having a relation to each term (Popularity).

Terms with a higher number of item relations or higher number of pageviews will be displayed using a larger font size.