Weblog macro

Release 1.1 - ...

The Weblog smartlet allows easy integration of weblogs in a site.

The smartlet shows a list of weblog items inside the folder that it is placed in. Posts will be abbreviated by stripping all html and sxml tags and vipers and then truncating at the word boundary closest to 512 characters. The title of each post is a link to the actual weblog post, including all mark-up and any comments left by site visitors.

Editors can create weblog posts in the Smartsite manager that will automatically be aggregated by the Weblog smartlet in their parent folder. If the weblog item is created as a folder, the first image placed inside will be displayed in the list of posts.

To preserve formatting and comments, weblog posts are rendered by redirecting to the parent weblog folder with a parameter indicating which post to render.


The table below gives an overview of the available parameters for the Weblog Smartlet.

Name Type Default Description
newCommentStatus string WAITINGFORAPPROVAL Status code to be applied to newly added comments.


The following access type levels apply to the Weblog smartlet. Access only needs to be applied to the smartlet item itself. If your site requires different sets of rights for different parts of the site, copy the Weblog folder and apply different Content Access to the copy.

Access Type Level Description
ForumPost Users can post comments, but the "newCommentStatus" will be applied to their comments.
ForumPostActive Users can post comments that are activated immediately.
ForumModerate Users can post, approve and disapprove comments.
ForumAdminister Users can post, moderate, edit and delete comments.