
Smartsite 7 - ...

The ServerMonitor is a new tool that is introduced in Smartsite 7. Its purpose is to help you diagnose problems with the new CmsServer. Since the CmsServer runs as a Windows service, it is a black box that shows no direct output. With the ServerMonitor, you to connect to the CmsServer and inspect the live logging of the CmsServer. The ServerMonitor is located in <siteroot>\Applications\ServerMonitor\ServerMonitor.exe.


After pressing connect, you can connect to the CmsServers that are defined in the ServerMonitor.exe.config. The builtin CmsServer endpoint listens to http://localhost/services/wcf/cms which is the default address to which the CmsServer listens.

Live logging

Once you are connected to a CmsServer instance, you can go the Live logging tab and listen to the live logging. This can be very useful when investigating problems that you may have.