Customize X-Generated-By HTTP header

Release 1.4 - ...

By default, Smartsite, Asp.Net and IIS send several HTTP headers with each response to the browser. Some of these HTTP headers contain product names and product versions. For security reasons you may want to disable or modify these HTTP headers. It will also save you some bandwidth.


You can configure the HTTP header X-Generated-By that Smartsite sends to the browser by adding the AppSetting "GeneratedByHttpHeader" to the Smartsite.config file. If the value of the "GeneratedByHttpHeader" is an empty string, the HTTP header is not send to the browser.

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    <add key="GeneratedByHttpHeader" value="" />


You can remove the Asp.Net HTTP header "X-AspNet-Version" by adding the following line to the Web.config file:

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    <httpRuntime enableVersionHeader="false" />


The IIS HTTP header "X-Powered-By" can be edited or removed from the IIS Manager. Select the site and choose the option "HTTP Response Headers" to edit or remove the HTTP header.

Alternatively this can be fixed in the web.config:

      <remove name="X-Powered-By" />

In IIS 10.0 the Server header can be suppressed from the web.config:

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    <requestFiltering removeServerHeader="true"/>