
Smartsite 7 - ...

The item list input control is like the list input control, but it does not allow free text input for entries. Instead the user can select items from the content tree or the content library.

ItemListInput example

Entries can be removed from the list, but not edited.

If a CrossTableSortColumn is configured on the field, the list will be sortable through drag/drop.

As of Smartsite 7.1 the item list input supports the following properties

Name Example Description
ctrl:StartNode NEWS_2014 Item code or number of the root folder for selection. If a start node is configured the content library button is disabled.
ctrl:ContentTypeFilter IMG;VDO Semi-colon separated list of contenttype codes that are allowed in the list.


As of Smartsite 7.8, you can set the cms:showbuttons ctfp to specify which buttons should be displayed. The value of this ctfp should list the buttons to show, comma-separated, e.g. "contenttree, contentlibrary".

The available buttons are:

  • contenttree
  • contentlibrary