Building your own jQuery extensions

Release 1.2 - ...

jQuery provides an extension framework. Extensions can be added as 'static' methods, and as jQuery selector methods.

Static methods

Let's say we want to add a custom set of static methods to jQuery, under a myNamespace namespace:

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// create static jQuery methods in namespace nested under scf.
$j.myNameSpace = {
 sub1: {
  test: function(data){
   alert('Static test method: ' + data);
 sub2: {
  anotherOne: function(data){
   return data.toUpperCase();

Note that when multiple scripts extend an object, they will have to test whether the object is already extended.

Consider these two snippets:

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// create static jQuery methods in namespace nested under scf.
$j.myNameSpace = {
 sub1: {
  test: function(data){
   alert('Static test method: ' + data);
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$j.myNameSpace = {
 sub2: {
  anotherOne: function(data){
   return data.toUpperCase();

The result of this is that $j.myNameSpace.sub1 will no longer exist!

A safer approach would be to test for the main namespace first:

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$j.myNameSpace = $j.myNameSpace || {};
$j.myNameSpace.sub1: {
  test: function(data){
   alert('Static test method: ' + data);

Now, do the same for the next extension:

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$j.myNameSpace = $j.myNameSpace || {};
$j.myNameSpace.sub2: {
  anotherOne: function(data){
   return data.toUpperCase();

Now, we can use the new methods:

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$j.myNameSpace.sub1.test('Hello World!');

jQuery Selector Methods

Many, many jQuery addins are available out there. The problem they all share however, is that jQuery doesn't have native namespace support for selector methods. All methods added by jQuery addins are added to the main jQuery.fn object.

To avoid name collisions Scf provides an adapted version of Gilberto Saravia's namespace addin:

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// add jQuery selector methods in namespace nested under scf.
$j.namespace("myNamespace", {
 doIt: function(){
  return $j(this).each(
    alert($j(this).get(0).tagName + ' is tested!');

Now, let's test the newly created jQuery selector method:

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