
Release 1.4 - ...

A new AccessType is introdcued in Smartsite iXperion 1.4: SmartletEditorAccess. It's used to control which users can add, edit or remove a smartlet using the Configure Smartlet add-in or the SmartletListInput.

The AccessType has two associated AccessTypeLevels:

  • UseSmartletAndPreset (level 200)
    Can be set on Smartlets (content type SML), meaning that a user group can manipulate this smartlet either with or without a preset.
  • UsePreset (level 100)
    Can be set on Smartlets (SML), to allow a user or group can manipulate the smartlet if the preset parameter is set,
    or on a Smartlet Preset (SMP), to allow a user or group to manipulate a smartlet using that preset.

Here's an example of what the SmartletEditorAccess might look like for the SXML Field smartlet in SmartInstant 2.0.
Example of SmartletEditorAccess
In this case only Administrators can use the smartlet directly and Content Managers can use any preset that belongs to this smartlet.
The title preset can be used by anyone. Note that even though SmartletEditorAccess is meaningless for the Visitors and Guests group, because these groups don't have access to the manager, you can still set access for the Guests group to imply access for everyone.
Content Editors can use the body preset, but not the logic and moddate presets.