Application Pool configuration

Release 1.0 - ...

Before adding/configuring the site, it is adviced to first create one or two application pools to be used for this site.

Whether you use separate application pools for the site itself and the virtual application/directory cms or just let them share one application pool is left at the discretion of the site administrator. The screen shots below show the adviced configuration options for a application pool.


Application Pool Properties - Recycling

Microsoft has a built-in recycling mechanism to improve the reliability and website uptime in case of instability problems. Because Smartsite is running in the worker process and is not a standard IIS site, recycling the worker process should be disabled. If not, Smartsite is stopped unnecesseraly.


Application Pool Properties - Performance

Of course the worker process must always stay running even if it is idle for a long period of time. Therefore the Idle timeout must be disabled.


Application Pool Properties - Health

Because all components run in-process, it is always possible that Smartsite stops responding and takes down the worker process. To monitor if the worker process stays running, you may decide to enable pinging.


Application Pool Properties - Identity

Network Service will in most cases suffice, there's no need to configure an administrative account.

To speed up the process of creating an application pool you may want to use the saved configuration file: falcon app pool config.