Role Services

Release 1.1 - ...

Windows Server 2008 uses Server Roles and Role Services to install/enable certain features. Each server role (e.g. Application Server, File Services, Web Server (IIS)) represents a set of software programs that, when installed and properly configured, allows a computer to perform a specific function. Within an server role, the role services are software programs that provide the functionality of a role.

Web Server (IIS) role

To install/enable IIS 7.0 you must install the Web Server (IIS) role. Open the Server Manager and click Roles. When the Web Server (IIS) role hasn't been installed, click Add Roles and select this role.

Server Manager - Roles

Role Services

Within the Web Server (IIS) role, several role services shoud be installed/enabled.

Web Server (IIS) - Role Services

The image above displays several role services which are required/recommended to be able to run Smartsite iXperion, although the list may differ from the role services required for your particular configuration.

Notice however, that the ASP role service is required when you (are going to) run an Outscaling scenario, including two CMS server instances which must be synchronized. This has to do with the fact that Outscaling uses an interface included within the asp.dll, so you need to install this role service. On the other hand, it is not required to set the restriction to Allowed for Active Server Pages (ISAPI and CGI Restrictions, machine-level configuration), so if you don't want to allow/enable ASP on your site(s), that's no problem.