Release 1.0 - ...

Represents the (fully qualified) type to use, which in turn represents the configuration for a specific trace listener.

Smartsite.Diagnostics provides four listener datatypes:

  • Smartsite.Diagnostics.LoggingBase.Logging.Configuration.CustomTraceListenerData
  • Smartsite.Diagnostics.LoggingBase.Logging.Configuration.EventLogTraceListenerData
  • Smartsite.Diagnostics.LoggingBase.Logging.Configuration.FlatFileTraceListenerData
  • Smartsite.Diagnostics.LoggingBase.Logging.Configuration.EmailTraceListenerData

The EventLogTraceListenerData should be used for a trace listener of type EventLogTraceListener.
The FlatFileTraceListenerData should be used for a trace listener of type FlatFileTraceListener.
And (of course) the EmailTraceListenerData should be used for a trace listener of type EmailTraceListener.

For all other types of trace listeners, CustomTraceListenerData should be used.

Notice that a fully qualified name must be specified, so ", Smartsite.Diagnostics.Logging, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5fdb12a67e027fb6" must be added to the listener datatype.

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