Smartsite 7.1 - ...

<assets> element

This section holds the assets configuration.

The example shown contains the internal default configuration, which means that within an actual smartsite.assets.config configuration file, the actions, contenttypemappings and metadataextractionmappings elements and the attributes referring to these elements can be left out.

Also, the excludeextensions attribute on the configuration element and the contenttypes attribute on the assetfolders element within this example are using the built-in default values.

So, an actual smartsite.assets.config configuration file which uses all the default settings could be something like this:

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<configuration xmlns=""
  xsi:schemaLocation=" System/Schemas/Configuration/smartsite.config.xsd">
   <assetfolder code="SharedAssets" rootitem="SHARED_ASSETS" folder="/Assets/Library" type="localfolder" />

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