Smartsite 7.1 - ...

<configuration> element

The configuration element contains the more advanced settings for an assetfolder.

The actions, metadataextractionmappings and contenttypemappings attributes allĀ contain a reference to a predefined set of actions, metadataextractionmappings and contenttypemappings respectively. Therefor, when specified, the value of these attributes must equal the name attributeĀ of a group child element within one of these configuration elements.
When one or more of these attributes are omitted, the built-in default(s) will be used.

The autosync attribute determines if the SynchronizeAssetFolders scheduled job should automatically synchronize the contents of the assetfolder with the cms database.

The excludeextensions attribute can be used to override the internal default of file-extensions which should be included within an assetfolder.
It's only applicable when the contenttype mappings include a wild-card mapping and it defaults to "dll exe config bak db DS_Store".

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